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Why Telehealth?

Telehealth allows therapists to provide counseling to clients via live video conferencing. Telehealth sessions are treated similarly to in-person sessions as both therapist and client are required to have a private space to speak confidentially during the session with limited distraction and a strong, secure online connection to limit video disruptions.

Telehealth appointments can be very beneficial if getting to a traditional in-person appointment is not convenient. It also provides the opportunity to meet with therapists that specialize in the issues you are facing who you might not meet with otherwise due to time, location

While our team at RIZE is grateful for the opportunity to meet with clients online across the state of California, there are some limitations to Telehealth sessions and they may not be suitable for all clients and the issues they would like to work on. 

Please contact our administration team to see if Telehealth sessions are the best fit for you. We look forward to connecting with you!